You are here: FAQ > Documaker Standard Edition FAQ > Docupresentment Issues > How do I set up debug and trace files?

How do I set up debug and trace files?

For server side debugging, set this option in the DOCSERV.INI file to Yes to produce the DSRVTRC.LOG in the IDS server directory:

< DocSrvr >
	Debug = Yes

For client side debugging, set this option on the client side INI file (DOCCLNT.INI or DSI.INI) to produce the DCLNTTRC.LOG file in the IDS client directory. This option is only used by CGI clients—not DSI clients:

< DocClient >
	Debug = Yes

If you are using MQSeries, use this option in the DSI.INI or DOCSERV.INI file to trace the queues on the client and server sides and produce a trace file:

< DBHandler:MQSeries >
	Debug = Yes

If you are writing Visual Basic code to pass requests to IDS, add this statement in your function after creating the DSI instance handle to produce the DSICO.TRC file:

m_oDSI.TraceEnable = True

When using Visual Basic COM objects, the system usually uses the Windows system directory as the current directory (where DSICO.TRC will be written). You can define another path for the DSICO.TRC file by adding a statement similar to this:

oDSI.TracePath = "D:\TEMP"

Use this option in the DOCSERV.INI file to set the trace file name on the server:

< DocSrvr >
	TraceFile = 

The default is DSRVTRC.LOG.

Use this option in the DOCCLNT.INI file to set the trace file name on the CGI client:

< DocClnt >
	Trace =

The default is DCLNTTRC.LOG.